Leaving footprints

Sustainability must not be a marketing tool.
The Chillaz Codex
We communicate honestly and responsibly, are there for each other and will always put people and nature above financial needs.
Our materials
Let’s start with the origin of every textile. Where are our materials produced and – perhaps even more importantly – under what circumstances?
Sustainable packaging
With the necessary support from our customers, we were able to overcome a major hurdle and switch from plastic packaging to recycled paper.
Chillaz CO² consumption
Did you know that?
A mature beech tree binds approx. 12.5 kg of CO2 per year. Based on this, we would need 5,790 beech trees to offset our emissions. A beech tree takes around 80 years to grow out – so it will be difficult in our case.
A look into the future
We are endeavoring to offset our CO2 emissions and are working on a project with a company from Tyrol. We will inform you as soon as the details of the project have been finalized.
90% of our goods come from a family business in Turkey.
Changing our Footprint
Conversion from polybag to recycled paper for our packaging.
Replacement of all windows in the company building to the latest state of the art.
First attempt to bring the goods by train from Turkey to Tyrol.
New insulation of the facade of our company building.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Chillaz clothing produced?
Our main textile production is located in Turkey. More precisely, to the west of the Bosporus, i.e. geographically in Europe. We have been working closely with our local partners for more than 20 years and are developing and expanding our production together with them. This is the only way we can meet our high quality standards. The fabrics or fibers we need come from well-known manufacturers in Turkey, Austria and Italy. In recent years, we have added other manufacturers in the EU (Croatia, Italy, Poland and Slovenia) who specialize in certain products in our collection.
Is Chillaz clothing vegan?
Not 100 percent! Some of our hats and many warm garments in the collection are made of wool. In general, we try to avoid animal ingredients. If you want to be on the safe side, you can read the exact composition in each product description. All leather patches that you find on our clothing are made of artificial leather and are therefore also vegan.
How sustainably are Chillaz products made?
Unfortunately, sustainability is a word that is used far too often and inaccurately. For us, it goes without saying that we treat people and the environment fairly. What we do is what we call "common sense business".
Our materials are carefully selected, from the fiber to the dye used. We focus in particular on natural and ecologically efficient fibers such as Lyocell (TENCEL™) or Modal (TENCEL™) from Austria. Modern production facilities enable us to further reduce water consumption and the use of chemicals.
In addition, short distances are very important to us. A large proportion of the materials used come from Turkey itself or from Europe. This protects both the environment and our nerves. As we take care of production in Turkey ourselves, we are also very flexible. Our seamstresses, launderers, printers and dyers etc. are quickly on site. Of course, we can't look over everyone's shoulder, but we choose our suppliers and producers very carefully.
Does Chillaz use organic cotton?
Due to the difficulty of traceability, we do not use cotton that is certified as "organic". The supply of this type of cotton is far greater than the actual global production. The many organic certificates and seals do nothing to change this. As long as we cannot say with a clear conscience that our cotton fabrics are really 100% organic, we leave them alone. Nevertheless, we are striving to take the step towards certified organic cotton, as the production of conventional cotton requires an enormous amount of chemicals. So far, we have been using Lyocell (TENCEL™) or Modal (TENCEL™) in many of our products in combination with proven high-quality cotton from trusted traders.